Welcome to the Harvest Marching Band FestivalSaturday, October 15, 2022
Zaepfel Stadium

Preliminary Competition Results

Music Performance EnsembleMusic Performance Individual Percussion Music Performance Average Visual Performance Ensemble Visual Performance Individual Auxiliary Visual Performance Average Musical Effect Visual Effect Effect Average Drum Major Final Score
Sunnyside High SchoolA
10:45 AM
142 111 100 253 127 117 125 244 136 110 246 196 60.88
Cle Elum Roslyn High SchoolA
11:00 AM
146 145 148 291 130 141 137 271 155 119 274 214 70.18
Pasco High SchoolAA
11:45 AM
160 159 156 319 157 153 148 310 168 151 319 252 78.55
Highland High SchoolAA
12:00 PM
141 122 130 263 122 124 142 246 135 119 254 225 64.68
Wenatchee High SchoolAA
12:15 PM
151 130 141 281 149 142 139 291 146 123 269 226 69.80
West Valley High SchoolAA
12:30 PM
161 151 155 312 159 150 143 309 156 139 295 259 75.88
Mt. Spokane High School Open
1:00 PM
171 171 160 342 162 161 156 323 172 159 331 265 82.43
Chiawana High SchoolOpen
1:15 PM
178 167 172 345 164 167 150 331 170 164 334 262 83.58